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How to improve your website conversion
How to improve your website conversion

A goal without a plan is just a wish and a plan with the wrong goal is just a waste of time. Getting more traffic to your website is exciting but before you celebrate your success, please think about your real goal for your business. Only when the traffic is converted to your customers you can obtain real profit from your website.

How to improve your website conversion

Normally websites can expect 2% conversion rates on average, which means every 100 visitors you can convert 2 of them to customers. Please do not misunderstand, 2% is a good conversion rate. Many sites take 1000 visitors to get 1 customer. To increase the conversion rate of your website and increase your profit, this article will provide 8 useful tips for you to boost your business.

Tip 1: Reduce the number of fields

If you have online forms on your website, please keep it as simple as possible. The complicated forms consume much patience of website visitors, which leads to a low conversion rate.

Tip 2: Use testimonials and reviews to increase the reliability of your website

Showing testimonials is a good way to provide social proof to visitors. If you visit WeBoost Website “About Us” page, you will see testimonials and customer reviews on the page. Under the testimonials, we also show client logos to build trust with new visitors. According to the statistics, social proof, include testimonials, customer review, and project demos of previous clients can dramatically increase our conversion rate.

Tip 3: Clear state the features and benefits of your product and services

A detailed description of your products and services is important, especially on eCommerce websites. Good products and services descriptions need to show what are the features and how these features can benefit the clients. The conversion rate will be increased by providing an authentic vision of products and service to customers.

Tip 4: Add live chat to your website

In physical shops, people would like to ask some questions before making a purchase. It is the same for online shipping. Many visitors want someone to clarify their lingering doubts or questions before purchasing. A live chat tool can perfectly help you to answer the questions of your customers and guide them to decide on purchasing.

Tip 5: Try different offers

The conversion rate will increase dramatically when you are offering goods or services that match the appealing of your market. If your conversion rate is on the low side, try to provide different offers to your clients until you find something that fits their expectations. The main knack of this method is to keep tracking the results of your offering. After several experiments, you will find the most attractive offer for your customers.

Tip 6: Google Ads consists of landing page

If you have Google Ads, please make sure your ad copy is consistent with your landing page copy. The ad should have a clear description of what the visitors will find on your site. The inconsistent content will lead to a high website bounce rate and hurt your conversion rate. Our previous blog introduced how does Google Ads work, which may help you to understand more about Google Ads. If you want to know more about Google Ads service of us, please click here to view the details.

Tip 7: Offer various payment options

This is a great tip for eCommerce websites. You have different customers, and they may prefer to use different payment methods. Someone likes to use PayPal while someone prefers Stripe or other payment methods. Offering a variety of payment methods can help your website to satisfy the preference of all your potential customers.

Tip 8: Use high-quality images

Using professional-quality photos is a simple way to increase the conversion rate of your website. However, plenty of websites use low-quality images to show their products, which may last an unprofessional impression on visitors’ minds. Using professional-quality photos can not only benefits brand building but also increase the conversion rate.

Hope these 8 tips above can help your website increase the conversion rate. Get more optimization opportunities for your website, contact WeBOOST today!