

If your customer has questions when browsing on your website but can hardly find the answer to their questions, you will lose them. We do not want to see our customers pick and feature our competitors. One of the efficient ways to prevent this is to set up a well-optimized FAQ page. A good FAQ page can not only provide the answer about your brand to your customers but also to search engines.

Why create an FAQ page

• A comprehensive FAQ page can reduce the customer support team’s workload. FAQ pages are simple and quick ways to share answers to common questions to visitors. If the visitors can find the answer to their questions directly from the website, they will buy the products or services on the website straight away. However, throwing a bunch of random questions into the FAQ page is not a smart action as the FAQ pages will be hard to navigate and understand.
• A good FAQ page can shorten the buying journey and build trust with customers. FAQ pages can cover the return policies, shipping processes, and so on. The benefit of including this information is providing transparent information to your site users and search engine, which can help them building trust with your brand and finish purchasing processes.
• The FAQ page is a good place to show your competitive advantages. You can explain why and how your products are outstanding and give your customers more reasons for purchasing your products or services.
• Last but not the least, an organized FAQ page can improve the internal links and capture more search visibility opportunities.

How to create good FAQ pages

1. The answers in FAQ pages need to be clear, concise, and factual.
A clear description of questions and clear but short answers is the golden rule of creating good FAQ pages. Please do not make your answer prolix. If you think two or three paragraphs are not enough to make a clear explanation, you can try to write a standalone article to explain your answer and add the link to the articles on your FAQ page.

You can even put a video on your FAQ page for your website visitors. Videos are good promotional assets, which can be discovered on YouTube and Google’s video carousels.

2. Generate FAQ pages as a sitemap
Adding internal links to the FAQ page is an important step down the sales funnel. The sitemap and internal links can give customers a continuous shopping journey. And from an SEO point of view, a structured FAQ sitemap with internal links is very friendly for google search engine, which is helpful for increase rankings among search results.

3. Mark up your FAQs with structured data
FAQ pages may be eligible to have a chance to be listed on google assistant, which can help your website to reach the customers past who are looking for your product and service. To create structured data, if you are WordPress users, WordPress plugins may be helpful.

4. Keep tracking your FAQ page
Google Analytics is a great tool to keep tracking the search patterns of visitors to your website. By collecting and analysing popular searches, we can find which page on the website or product description may be confused for visitors. And based on the analysis we can optimize our website, and as a result, increase the conversion rate.

5. Allow users to search
Making things easier for visitors is the smart way to convert them to your customers. Not everyone has the patience to go through all your FAQ pages and find the information they want. A search option can help visitors of your website to find things easily and quickly. Combine the FAQ pages tracking, you will find what your customers focus on and optimize your website around your customer needs.

6. Use the language that your customers can understand
When creating your FAQ pages, use the language as simple as possible. Business owners sometimes use some technical words to describe their business. Use the language and slangs that your customer can understand will increase the favourability of your customers to your brand. One of the most efficient ways to check whether your FAQ page is understandable for your customers is to show your FAQ pages to some of your target audients. Collect the feedback from your target audients and change your FAQ pages accordingly.

Building an organized FAQ page is not only important to your SEO ranking, but also the conversion rate. If you want to get more tips on how to optimize your website, contact WeBOOST today! WeBoost is a Melbourne SEO company that creates ingenious marketing strategies especially for you. Let us be the greatest help to your SEO in Australia.

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