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What’s so fancy about WeChat H5 page?
WeChat H5 Page

It is often misunderstood that the “H5” in WeChat is equivalent to HTML 5 that all websites are using nowadays. However, the differences between H5 and HTML 5 have made H5 a unique creature on WeChat for some of the most amazing applications.

Similarity of WeChat H5 and HTML5

One of the most similar aspects between WeChat H5 page and HTML5 are their characteristic as a webpage. H5 pages are like a slim-down version of traditional desktop websites to use in WeChat. However, H5 pages allow embedding of functionalities that a traditional webpage cannot compete.

H5 was developed based on HTML5 as a language in WeChat that allows chic and fancy mini pages to be displayed in WeChat. H5 presents as a mixture between a webpage and an application that provide features from both sides.

Displaying your products on H5 pages is just like building your website. And the coding language that is used for H5 pages are also similar, including HTML5, CSS3, JS, PHP and more. If you are looking for interactive, responsive features, you might need knowledge on egret, layabox, or cocos (whichever you need and prefer.)

Differences of H5 to HTML5

But what our customers and our love are the interactivity of WeChat H5 pages. With our in-house design team who can also work on videos and motion graphics, WeChat H5 pages can offer one of the most amazing browsing experiences in the world.

Because of the unique capabilities of the WeChat H5 page in relation to WeChat and your phone, H5 pages can make use of the gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer to create features like “shake to draw” or “turn sideways to watch”. These increase the interactivity of the H5 page from tapping on-screen elements to physical motions and encourages muscle memory.

wechat h5 page

The battle in WeChat: WeChat H5 vs WeChat Mini Program

A major benefit of the WeChat H5 page is its shorter development time in comparison to WeChat Mini Program. While using the H5 page will lack certain mini-program capabilities such as a one-stop purchase, the H5 page are generally easier to implement in a shorter time frame. For the purpose of product display, the WeChat H5 page is a simpler and more cost-efficient option.

Another key aspect of using the WeChat H5 page is the minimal review and verifying process required. WeChat Mini Program, because of the philosophy of customer protection by WeChat, takes a lengthy review process that adds uncertainty to the time that a mini-program can be published.

H5 pages, on the other hand, require a much shorter and simpler review process which is more predictable to experienced developers. For projects needed to be developed in a shorter timeframe, a WeChat H5 page might be a better idea.

Why H5 pages are so great for marketing?

All the mentioned similarities and differences of WeChat H5 pages and HTML5 made it one of the perfect tools in digital marketing, especially for new brands and products.

The close relation of H5 to HTML5 allows experienced HTML5 developers to replicate their skills on creating the corporate website and product landing page to the WeChat H5 page, significantly reducing the time required for development if the requirements are satisfied.
Combining the reduction in development time and review time of the H5 page, the WeChat H5 page is extremely helpful in creating product display pages before the product announcement. Such allows instant information sharing of new products upon announcement while fitting to the limited time schedule required between completion of product development and product announcement.

In the end, the interactivity and responsive nature of H5 are what made H5 pages the best in product display. Interactions to new products used to be through physical product display in retail stores. However, thanks to the improvement in coding and motion graphics, such interactions can be expanded to online platforms.

Interactions have been the key in building positive relationship and resonance with potential customers that aids the sales of products over its period of sales. And awareness of products and brand has been the ultimate key of digital marketing in the past five years.

chadstone wechat

Support to WeChat H5 Page

The digital marketing landscape, in contemporary time, has been more than using a single feature or platform for promotion. And WeChat H5 Page is no exception.

While a WeChat Official Account is essential for the WeChat H5 Page under your brand, the brand awareness built from the WeChat H5 page require a method of conversion which usually lies on the WeChat Mini Program.

Speak to our WeChat specialists to build WeChat H5 pages today. Call 03 8512 9918 or email [email protected] for more.

As a digital marketing agency, WeBoost also suggests employing other digital marketing strategies, including search engine optimization and social media marketing, for a holistic online brand awareness campaign.

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